Policies and Procedures
Due upon registration ; Annual Registration Fee (Non-Refundable) $35
Tuition is due in full upon registration. If a monthly payment plan needs to be inplace, a credit or debit card must be kept on file and will be drafted monthly for tuition unless other payment arrangements are made. Please contact the office (info@progressionsdanceschool.com) with questions regarding tuition auto-pay.
You will receive an emailed receipt of your tuition payment monthly. Please see fee chart for tuition rates. Tuition is non- refundable once drafted. You can log into your Parent Portal at any time to review upcoming fees, enrolled classes and credit card information. It is your responsibility to keep all information up to date. Tuition is based off of a 9-month schedule, regardless of the number of classes per month.
Dancers must be the appropriate class age or grade as of August 31, 2020.
Warrenton Info:
Important Dates:
Summer Camps 2020
July 13 - 17
July 20 - 23
Studio Closings
Below is a list of our closed dates. We do not close for Teacher Workdays or any holidays outside of the below listed.
Sept. 4th – Labor Day
Oct. 31st – Halloween
Nov. 21st-28rd – Fall Break
Dec. 23 - Jan. 5 – Winter Break
Mar. 30th-Apr. 8th – Spring Break
May 28th – Memorial Day
Make-Up Classes
If you miss a dance class due to vacation plans, dancer illness, etc., you can do a make-up class – ONLY in a class for the same age/level/style. If the studio closes for any reason out of our control, inclement weather, natural disaster, etc., your
dancer can do a make-up class. There will be no discount given for missed classes. There are no make ups for classes missed when the studio is officially closed (per above dates).
Inclement Weather Closing Policies
We typically follow Fauquier County Public School Systems decision for delays and closings. However, we will post our official decision on our Facebook, Instagram & Website as soon as we make our decision.
Below are our official closing definitions;
Studio Closed – all classes for the day are cancelled for the safety of our staff and clients.
Studio Delay – we will post the start time for our classes on that specific day. If your class time is prior to the studio start time, your class has been cancelled.
Studio Early Release – we will post when the last class start time of the day will be. If your class time is after that start time, your class has been cancelled.
We do understand that not all of our students attend Fauquier County Public Schools, but we are using their initial decision as a guide – so we ask when inclement weather is happening that you check your local news station as a start but also check our Facebook, Instagram or website. We also want to stress that we want everyone to use their best judgement at all times and make a personal decision for your family based on the roads in your area.
Class Requirements
Your child is required to attend class regularly as techniques are taught each week and in January begin to learn their end of year Gala performance dance. We ask that all students treat their instructor, fellow students, staff and studio surroundings with respect and common courtesy. Your child is required to wear the appropriate dance wear to class. Your teacher will review with your dancer and the parent the class rules and expectations.
Class Withdrawal Policy
Early withdrawal from a class before completion of the year requires a 30-day written withdrawal notice emailed to info@progressionsdanceschool.com. The parent/guardian will be responsible for tuition until your notice is sent and accepted. Once tuition is drafted, it is non-refundable. If you withdrawal after December 15, 2018, you will not receive a refund for your recital fee or costume. However, the costume and tee shirt ordered are yours to keep.
Video/Photography Release
We do videotape and photography our dances and dancers for promotional and public relations activities. We post pictures and videos to social media, print ads and on our website.
Studio Communications
Each month a newsletter will be published and sent to you via email. This newsletter will contain important information, calendar of upcoming events and the latest news and programs available at the studio. Always check the studio newsletter, website and social media for the latest information. We highly recommend you like us on Facebook and Instagram. We post a lot of information and reminders, that is your surest way to get the most up-to-date information. If you have specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via phone (571-274-0527) or email (info@progressionsdanceschool.com). We do our best to respond to all phone calls and emails within 24-48 hours.
End of Year Show – Showcase and Preschool Recital 2018
We pride ourselves on your end of year Recital Experience! We have designed our end of year shows to be enjoyable for the dancer, parents and friends. Your dancer will work all year on skills and most importantly self-confidence, that will lead them to the Big Stage at the end of the year!
Your dancer does not have to participate in our end of year show, but it is HIGHLY recommending for the full experience of dance! If your dancer does not want to participate in our end of year show, please submit written notice to info@progressionsdanceschool.com by December 15, 2017
Interested in joining our Dance Team? Please contact the Director for details (infor@progressionsdanceschool@gmail.com). Our Dance Team is a great way to take your dancing to the next level, meet other great kids just as passionate about dance as you are and have fun performing, competing and traveling together. Our Dance Team is open to anyone who wants to join. We audition for placement only and want anyone with a heart for dance to be able to pursue their love and explore a more in-depth education in dance.
Team deadline is quickly approaching, August 15. So please contact Jennifer as soon as possible to ensure there is a spot for you!