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Ages 18 months-5 years old

Twinkle Toes 

This class is just what your budding Ballerina needs! 30 minutes, once a week of a basic foundation of structure and Ballet language, all while having fun and learning balance, coordination and pose. Ages 2 1/2 to 4. 

Mighty Mights 

30 jam packed minutes of Tumbling! Young Tumblers will learn the foundational skills needed for Tumbling while building strength, flexibility, balance and coordination. Ages 2 1/2 to 4. 

Snazzy Jazzy 

A 30 minute class, held once a week for the theatrical and sassy dancer. This class is an introduction to basic jazz technique in an age appropriate and exciting fashion! 

Ages 2 1/2 to 4. 

Music and Movement 

This whimsical 45 minute class includes songs, dancing, stories, instruments, props, dress up and games. Great fun for your 2 - 4 year old. Parent participation required.


An hour long class that will introduce your Kindergarten age child to Tap, Ballet , and Jazz, usually focusing on two genres per class. This class will have two performances in the recital. 

Ages 4-6

Hippity Hop AM

A 30 minute class, held once a week for our youngest Hip Hoppers! A great way to build coordination, musicality and rhythm in a fun and energetic environment. Ages 2 1/2 to 4. 


Creative Movement 

This 45 minute class is for the older preschooler who is ready for a more structured environment that includes a bit more dance terminology, but still wants to have fun and explore movement and build skills though songs, imaginative “games” and longer choreography. Ages 3 1/2 to 5. 

Mighty Mights 

30 jam packed minutes of Tumbling! Young Tumblers will learn the fundamental skills needed for Tumbling while building strength, flexibility, balance and coordination. Ages 2 1/2 to 4. 

Hip Hop | Kindercombo 

This hour long class will give your Kindergartener a chance to explore Hip Hip and Tumbling in one class! Time will be split between the two genres and will have two performances in the recital. 

Ages 4-6

1st Grade Ballet/Tap/Jazz Combo

This hour long class will give your first grader a chance to explore Ballet, Jazz, and Tap in one class! Time will be split between the three genres and will have two performances in the recital. 

Ages 4-6

Hip Hop | Kindercombo 

This hour long will give your Kindergartener a chance to explore Hip Hip and Tumbling in one class! Time will be split between the two genres and will have two performances in the recital. 

Ages 4-6

Ages 6-12 years old

Elementary Ballet 1 

These classes are designed for the 2-6th grade child who is working on the foundations of technique. Graduation to Level 2 is up to the Director’s discretion. . 

Ages 6-12

Elementary Jazz 1/2 

This class is a combined level class designed for the 2-6th grade child who is working on the foundations of Jazz as well as working on style and technique. 

Ages 6-12

Elementary Lyrical/ Contemporary 1 

A introduction to the lyrical. This class with teach the beginnings of dancing emotionally while strengthening ballet technique, which is the basis of this genre. 

Ages 6-12

Elementary Hip Hop 1/2 

This high energy class is for our elementary age hip hoppers who are ready to learn a variety of hip hop styles and techniques in a fun and energetic environment. 

Ages 6-12

Elementary Tap 2 

A class built on the foundation learned in level 1 Tap. This class will focus on Tap history, style, musicality and speed. 

Ages 6-12

Elementary Ballet Technique 

A Ballet Technique class that will focus on the foundations of various styles of Ballet technique. 

Ages 6-12

Elementary Jazz Tech 

A Jazz class to help our dancers hone in on style, technique and musicality. They will also be focusing on leaps, jumps and turns. 

Ages 6-12

Elementary Ballet 2 

Once your dancer has passed Ballet 1, they are ready for this next level of Ballet training. Still utilizing multiple Ballet styles, this class will focus on the building blocks of good technique and will also preform in the recital. 

Ages 6-12

Elementary Conditioning 

Conditioning is a great way for dancers and tumblers to gain strength, flexibility, and endurance. All of which are pinnacle for a strong dancer. 

Ages 6-12

Elementary Ballet Tech 

Ages 6-12

Elementary Tumbling Int./Adv. 

Moving on for the beginner level, this class will focus on handsprings, ariels and tucks. We will also be working on balance and contortion skills. 

Ages 6-12

Elementary Ballet Technique 

Ballet Technique class for our elementary age students. pulling from the French, Russian, and Italian schools of thought. 

Ages 6-12

Elementary Jazz Tech 

A Jazz class to help our dancers hone in on style, technique and musicality. They will also be focusing on leaps, jumps and turns. 

Ages 6-12

Elementary Tumbling for Beginners 

A foundational class for Elementary age students who want to learn how to tumble. We will be working on bridges, cartwheels, front limbers and walkovers. As well as building strength and flexibility. 

Ages 6-12

Elementary Tap 1 

A class built on the foundation learned in level 1 Tap. This class will focus on Tap history, style, musicality and speed. 

Ages 6-12

Ages 10-18 years old

Teen Jazz 1/2 

This combined level class focus on the techniques of Jazz legends while allowing the student to explore style and musicality. an additional Ballet class is highly recommended for this class. 

Ages 10-18

Teen Tap 1/2 

This combined level class with push your Tapper where they need to go individually as well as a whole class. Focusing on skills, speed, rhythm, musicality and clarity of sound. 

Ages 10-18

Teen Ballet 1/2 

A Foundational Ballet class for all teen dancers. Building the students ballet vocabulary, flexibility, strength and technique. 

Ages 10-18

Beginner Pointe 

A beginner Pointe class for students in their first year of Pointe. Students must be enrolled on an additional 2 ballet classes. Placement only class. 

Ages 10-18

Teen Lyrical/ Contemporary 1/2 

A combined level class that builds on a dancers knowledge of ballet and Jazz technique by adding style and emotion. 

Ages 10-18

Teen Tap 2 

Our most advanced tap class that focuses on Rhythm, Musicality, Coordination and Speed. 

Ages 10-18

Teen Jazz Technique 

A Jazz class to hone a dancers skills in Jazz technique, as well as leaps, turns and jumps. 

Ages 10-18

Teen Ballet Technique 

A Ballet Technique class the focuses on various styles of Ballet. 

Ages 10-18

Teen Tumbling Beginner 

A great class for teens who would like to build their strength, flexibility, and learn the foundations of tumbling. This class will be working on bridges, cartwheels, limbers, and walkovers as well as jumps, and balance skills. 

Ages 10-18

Teen Tumbling Int./Adv. 

This class is designed for the intermediate or advanced teen tumbler. While building on our flexibility and strength, this class will be moving on past walkovers and will be focusing on skills like handsprings, aerials, and tuck jumps. We will also be working on balance and contortion skills. Students will need to test out of the beginner level to be able to advance into this class 

Ages 10-18

Teen Hip Hop 1/2 

A combined level class that will focus on different styles of the Hip Hop genre. Teaching our dancers to be versatile and educated in as many styles as we can cover in a year. All in a fun, high energy atmosphere. 

Ages 10-18

Teen Ballet Technique 

A Ballet tech class the will broaden your dance vocabulary with a variety of Ballet styles. Enrollment in an additional Ballet class is required for this class. 

Ages 10-18

Teen Ballet Technique 

A foundational Ballet class pulling form various schools of thought on ballet. 

Ages 10-18

Teen Conditioning 

A great way for Dancers to build the strength, flexibility and stamina they need to achieve what they want in all aspects of dance. 

Ages 10-18

18 mo. - 5 years
Intermediate Levels
Teen Levels
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